Christmas Tree Farm Sensory Bin
Are you looking for a fun way to incorporate the Christmas Season into your sensory bin? I created this sensory bin at home and it was a HUGE hit! And guess what?! It cost me next to nothing!
Materials Needed:
Large clear bin (or sensory table if you have one) I just pulled out this tote that I had in my closet. I got it from Walmart. ANY bin and ANY size will work, you can even use a cookie sheet!
Christmas Trees. I found all of these trees at the Dollar Store! Once again, the Dollar Store came through and had exactly what I needed! You can also check your local craft store or Walmart/Target in their dollar sections.
Small tractors. I had these on hand, but you can find some similar ones on Amazon/Target/Walmart/Lakeshore
Salt. I suppose you can use any white substance such as sugar, a homemade snow recipe, flour, etc. But we loved the texture and look of the salt and it keept my little from wanting to eat it.
I wish I would have had some of these round wooden pieces on hand, because it would have made the whole thing come together so nicely. I suppose you could throw in some Lincoln logs, as well!
Now for the fun part! Place everything in the sensory bin and PLAY! I had my ten-year-old daughter help me make this sensory bin and we had a BLAST! She loved setting up the Christmas trees and pouring the salt for snow. Then we placed the tractors in there and even we (yes, us who are much older) had fun playing with it! Take a look at the process:
A simple video showing how to make a Christmas themed sensory bin.
Pin it for later!
I hope you give this one a try! It’s a fun way to add a little bit of Christmas into your classroom or home!
Try this fun O is for Orange sensory art activity with your preschooler. Be sure to grab the free download!