Coin Sorting
Is it just my kids, or do all children have a weird love of money?! It's like they know it's important, but they don't quite understand why, so they just want to hold it haha. This activity will give them more of a grasp on what the different coins are and how much they are each worth!
You will need:
Spare change
On a flat surface, use your tape to make four separate squares.
Put a penny in one square, a nickel in one square, a dime in one square, and a quarter in one square.
Go over the names of each coin and how much each is worth.
Dump out the rest of the spare change and have your child sort it all into the correct piles.
After they are done sorting, ask questions like, "can you find me 3 pennies?" or "can you point to a coin that is worth 10 cents?"
Activity Notes:
Try teaching your kids who are on the different coins!
If you are like me and have a younger child as well, use your tape to make just one square for them. Give them their own pile of coins and have them just transfer their pile into their square. This should keep them busy for a minute while your older child finishes their sorting!
After finishing the coin sort, my kids wanted to play "store". We took turns being the cashier and the customer and "bought" random things out of my closet. My four year old ate it up and played for at least an hour!
Try this fun O is for Orange sensory art activity with your preschooler. Be sure to grab the free download!