Does Online Preschool Work?
When you start to research preschool options for your child, you may be wondering if online preschool is a valid alternative for in-person preschool classes. Many parents have the same question! Online preschool can be a great option for parents when in-person preschool classes are not the best option for your schedule or family dynamic. High-quality online preschools can provide more flexibility and affordability and are a great alternative fit for some families.
Sometimes with a family’s daily schedule, the in-person drop off and pick up times for preschool can feel very daunting, or even impossible. In these cases, online preschool is a great option because you can help your child do their preschool at the times it works best for you.
The cost of in-person preschool can be prohibitive for some families. Often times the online preschool options are more affordable. By using a high-quality online preschool, you can still offer your child all they will need to be academically successful in kindergarten at a cost that may fit better with your budget.
One word of caution as far as online preschool programs go: be sure to do your research and choose an online program developed by reputable and knowledgable professionals with a background in education. This way you can ensure that what you are paying for is high-quality instruction for your child that will ensure they gain the academic knowledge they need to be prepared for kindergarten.
My Preschool Place Online Preschool
We have great news for you! Miss Toni and Miss Megan have spent hundreds of hours developing their very own online preschool options for families who would like to give it a try! Both of them are experienced teachers, who also run in-person preschools of their own, so they know what works for kids. Their My Preschool Place online preschool program is engaging, affordable, and flexible enough to fit in any schedule. They offer monthly or annual subscriptions so you can choose what works best for you and your child. You can find more information about our online preschool on our website!
Sample Lessons
Miss Toni and Miss Megan have a library of sample lessons for you to try before you commit to a subscription. You can see how engaging and fun the lessons are, and how simple they are to work into any schedule. Click the link below to watch some sample lessons and get more information!
Try this fun O is for Orange sensory art activity with your preschooler. Be sure to grab the free download!