Make a Menu Activity for Preschoolers
We have a super fun activity for your nutrition or community helper unit today! Our preschoolers loved making their very own menu during our community helpers unit and talking about what kind of foods they would serve if they were a chef. This activity also targets fine motor and literacy, and we always love when we can focus on more than one skill at a time! Keep reading for all the details.
You will need:
Construction paper
Food ads from the grocery store or printouts of food pictures
Glue or write the word “Menu” at the top of the construction paper.
Have your child choose foods they’d like to add to their menu and glue them on. If you’re working on fine motor, you could have them cut the items out themselves.
Help you child label all of the items. You can write them in yellow and have them trace the letters, or sound out the words on their own. You could even add prices if you want!
Now your child has a fun item they made themselves to use for dramatic play!
This activity is so simple, but so fun! We hope you try it!
Try this fun O is for Orange sensory art activity with your preschooler. Be sure to grab the free download!