Mitten Patterns Activity (free download!)
Learning how to recognize and create patterns is an important skill for preschoolers. If you need a fun and simple way to practice patterns this winter, we have a great activity. Our Mitten Patterns activity is no-prep, so cute, and we’ve included the free download just for you!
You will need:
Mitten Patterns sheet (free download below!)
Markers, crayons, stickers, anything you can use to make a pattern
Download and print the free Mitten Patterns template below.
Using markers, crayons, stickers, or whatever you’d like, show your child how to create a pattern on the mittens. Remind them that a pattern is something that repeats. Model this for them verbally. If they need help, you can decorate on mitten and they can do the other, or each of you can have your own printable to work on so you can show them examples of patterns.
You could also laminate this sheet and make patterns with small manipulatives or flat blocks right on top of the mittens so you can use them over and over again.
Free Download
Click the button to grab your free Mitten Patterns printable. Enjoy!
Try this fun O is for Orange sensory art activity with your preschooler. Be sure to grab the free download!