N is for New Years Activity (free download!)
Can you believe the new year is already here? I sure can’t! But if you’re looking for a fun and easy activity to do with your preschoolers to celebrate the New Year and to work on some fine motor and literacy, we have just the thing! Keep reading for all the info, and be sure to grab the free download at the bottom of this post!
You will need:
N is for New Years page (free download below!)
White glue
Tray or baking sheet
Variety of glitter
Download and print the free N is for New Years page.
Place your page on a tray or a cookie sheet.
Using the white glue, outline the letter N, and then draw in some fun squiggles or firework shapes.
Pour the glitter onto the glue. Shake the excess off into the tray. Then let your beautiful artwork dry completely before displaying!
Watch this video clip to see the activity!
Free Download
Click the button to grab your free download!
Be sure to check out these other fun activities on the blog:
Try this fun O is for Orange sensory art activity with your preschooler. Be sure to grab the free download!