Playdoh Monsters
Playdoh is one of the things that my kids will do forever, as long as I come up with a little twist each time. Anyone else?! This idea came to me on a day when my kids were grounded from tv (way more of a punishment for me, haha!) and kept my boys entertained for so much longer than I was expecting. It works on fine motor skills and gets their imagination going!
You will need:
Playdoh or homemade salt dough
Plastic straws
Dried Pasta
Get out the playdoh!
Cut your plastic straws into different lengths.
Let your kiddos make formations (or monsters, as my boys called them) out of the playdoh, and then put the straws all over.
Give them a bowl of dried pasta and let them add the tubes onto the straw pieces.
Have your kids name their “monster” and come up with what their monster can do!
Activity Notes:
If you don’t have plastic straws, get creative! Cut up dowels, use spaghetti noodles, toothpicks, or whatever else you have on hand. Same with the pasta- switch them out for small scrunchies, beads, or fruit loops. Just use what you have!
If you're out of playdoh, homemade salt dough is so easy and cheap to make!
Try this fun O is for Orange sensory art activity with your preschooler. Be sure to grab the free download!