Rock Transfer
If you can get your kids working with their hands, it's a good day! Our kids are in front of screens so often, that it seems like anything that they have to put forth any sort of effort in, isn't "fun" for them. It is my hope that as we try to break up that screen time with fun little activities like this, our kiddos will learn to love learning, discovering and practicing! This activity is super easy to set up, and you only need a few things that you'll already have around the house. Give it a try!
You will need:
A muffin tin
Go outside and get some rocks.
Get out the muffin tins and the tablespoons.
Have your child use the tablespoons to transfer the rocks into the muffin tin. Easy as that!
Activity Notes:
If you don't have rocks in your yard, try dried beans, beads, cereal pieces, etc. Anything you have on hand is perfect!
If you don't have muffin tins, just use different bowls!
If you want to make it more challenging for your older child, try putting tape in the bottom of the muffin tin and writing different numbers on them. Have them put that many rocks in each one! It would be great counting practice while using their motor skills!
Try this fun O is for Orange sensory art activity with your preschooler. Be sure to grab the free download!