Snack Sorting
Do you have a toddler who doesn't necessarily like learning? I have one of those! He doesn't like to practice letters or numbers or colors, so I have to trick him into doing it haha. This is an activity for your kid who is motivated by food (MINE) and really, you can tweak it to whatever you want your child to practice!
You will need:
Pick out your snacks!
Depending on how many snacks you chose, make that many sections out of tape on a flat surface with tape.
Put one of each kind of snack in the different sections.
Have your kid finish filling in the sections with the rest of the snacks!
After they are finished sorting, ask them questions like, "Can you find me a yellow snack?" "Can you count me 4 gold fish?" "Can you find me a snack that starts with the "p" sound?" etc.
Activity Notes:
For older kids, to make it a little more challenging, put all the snacks in one pile so they have to pick them out to sort them.
When your child gets a question right, let them choose one of the snacks to eat!
Use whatever snacks you have on hand. Anything from apple slices, to chocolate chips, to crackers- anything you have is perfect.
Try this fun O is for Orange sensory art activity with your preschooler. Be sure to grab the free download!