Summer Scavenger Hunt (free download!)
Looking for a great outdoor summer activity for your preschooler? Try our fun summer scavenger hunt! We even have a free download for you so you all you need to do is click print, grab your clipboard, and head outside to get hunting!
You will need:
Download the free Summer Scavenger Hunt paper below! Print it off.
Put your paper on your handy dandy clipboard so you can take it outside with you.
Walk around your hard or neighborhood to find all of the summer items!
When you’re done, you can ask your child to make their own scavenger hunt on the back, or draw pictures of what they found to make an observation journal they can add to all summer.
Free Download
Click the button below to grab the free download!
Check out this short video to see our summer scavenger hunt!
Try this fun O is for Orange sensory art activity with your preschooler. Be sure to grab the free download!